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The Danville Morning News from Danville, Pennsylvania • Page 4

The Danville Morning News from Danville, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Danville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1919 THE MORNING NEWS, DANVILLE, FA. PAGE FOUK Your Buying at this HF.IPF.n NF.ICHRORS LOAN DRIVE TO THF. MORNING NEWS lnnk (' An', Proprietor. MURRAY'S I1UUI ALONG RIGHT ROAD FOR SALE You will always find Special Values in.all Departments at all times, which will mean a Big Saving of Money to You. We Deliver Orders Both Phones OPEN APRIL 21 SKYKN KILLIONS To'lIK ASKI'-O SHORT TKRM NOTICS TO It!) SOLD.

Villi SAIJv- show rust' with three ixhss shelves nnl bevel I liiKS top, unihrelhi i-as. ribbon case, spool Hllk cabinet, 111 HliiiKls, Orniirry liMiirc. K. 1 Attn ('. Ml" ION'S SOl'KS.

25 dozen I'amy Dress Sim-Kh, iiOl I.I OATS. Made or Heed mid Grass material. Different lluishes. Prices, $8.50 to $15.00. Hie pair.

s.vm: C-lH'il I. Kolliiil double hi'ilttT Lewis Miiinzef. It. I-' Ml." VOli Will Soil I). J.

Al'KON GINGHAM. Apron Giuliani, per yard, 20c, SPKCIAI, VALLKS CARPETS SC.50, Uxl2 Janpanese Matting Kmr, for $1.98. $11.75, 9x13 Ingrain Art Kuk for S8.50. $15.01) 9x13 Wool and Fibre Hub. for $13.75.

500 yds. of $1.75 Hrusscl Carpet, qualify, different patterns, at yd. Sewed Free of Charge. CASH SPECIALS CASH Mothers (hits, larce. Soap (Fels, Octagon, I.

Ivory) 4 cakes for 25c. Hm-kwlieat (10 lb. sack) Siipir (Granulated) UJac; liroom (well made) each, G7c. Other items too numerous to itemize. Visit this department and save money.

HWMEl. AMI TIXWEAR. si.Ie. Mis 1'Olt SALK 'ow with ''-v it. turner's TAISI.E COVERS.

of Heavy Tapestry. 73 inches square. Special price, $3.25 and $3.98 Si 1 KAYKLINd HAGS. P.inuii mid HlacU. $2.75 to Washiiiglon, March Secrel a r.v of tin; Treasury Glass announces Mint, the campaign lor the Victory Liberty Loan will open Monday, April 21 anil close on Saturday, May .10.

During that period, short term notes to the extent of will have to be disposed of. The notes will mature in from one to live years. The rate of interest has Suit Cases All sizes $1.50 to 7 Warren street, Mrs. L. Rapp, FOR S.W.K n-Pil KoeU Ktrs "k- per thizen.

Wesley Tos-tian, Jj mill' from T.oy.N Slntloii. 11. AIM I), J. Ml FOU SALK V-iimper Crop seed outs. Larue producer.

Inquire F. A. Klee-inun, Turhotvillo li. 1 Also two flood i. i Mli Comnh-te line of Conking Kettles, Pishiinns, Coflee Pots, Vtash Hollers, IMUIlt I viriiiiih -r Sauce Philadelphia, whose husband vvun Thiladelpliia Readins Railrond Compaiiv.

believes In helping others Kim can. "I was so m-rvous nt Pans, Tea Pots, Dinner Pails, Wash Hasins, Tea Kettles, Water Pails, Double louhle OIL OPAQl'E Window Shades, white, tan, light and dark green colors. Complete with llx-(ures, each. DOI GIIHOY DOPK. From A lo Z.

received this new booli. Similar to the Here Marble editions. Price, 75c. Pans at Hoilers, Milk Buckets, Oil Cans, Dread Hoxes, Tin Cups, Cake anr I'm niirht I couldn't sleep. Miiioium-s a most reasonable prices.

wouldn't give two cents for my inc. i not been fixed, hut it Is generally ne-lieved that it will be -1'- IT cent. The last Liberty Loan was Nsued nt 4't per cent, but on account of super taxes and profits taxes under the war reve ouldn't eat: gas ot up around heart and tbo distress was h.osl turbinjr. My sister took Taiilae, and YOU CAN MAKE YOUR friends on Tifty-seooml street M' nue bill It has been found that it wouki bp impossible to Hunt another issue at REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank AT DANVILLE In the State of Pennsylvania, nt the close of business, March 4, well of it. Mv very lirst trial oi j.

inline was gratifying ml I nm getting that low rate. SHOE BILLS LESS FOIt SAM' At public sale, houso-Jiolcl (roods. Saturday, March 35 nt 1 o'clock, 110 Coin-hart South Pan-villo. Mrs. J.

I. Lnidacker. Ml! Cooilineonie Possession nt once. Tuy (like) Kent. Joins Two streets.

All cash ($50) los ($00) Ineonio Home tf. CEO. T. OSTRAXPER FOR SALE Roan horse, weighs nbout 1 pounds. Hoover's I'lanintr Mill.

tf- vnn sat.F Dnirv feed and midd- In arriving nt the decision to form notes rather than long term better with every dose. i n.i". much faith in it I told a number of my neighbors in Warren street nbout it. bonds for the Victory Loan. Secretary CHARTER NUMBER 325 Glass says he has done so because he l.eliovcs the notes for short term will RESOURCES The genuine J.

I. Core jo. iamac now sold here by Taules C. Seott Eves and Trunk Straub. he maintained at par with more facility 71 Loans anil dNcniints From Clohc, comes this recommendation Ncolm Soles.

J. H. MecHvn senda it. lie says: "I have i.ever ivd iny Nernin-soled shoes repaired as fie soles a' ways put-wear the tops. i hold Uct-ir, tw.

on L-1 ir.w- of the tune, i --in couiforl and role." than would bonds of longer mammy. Secretary Glass appeals to the peo aiio 71 lSO.IKlO tH) uo.ooooo lings. Mansdale Mills. ple to support the loan tile same patriot ie manner in which the previous REMEMBER J. H.

DOSTER 16 BLOOM ST. Noienul bibs reill-rmuit-eil (other than bank ae-ueplancossohl) 2:10,1100 00 U. 8. Ilonds to secure S. Homls to secure I'.

S. S. Howls ami certificates of In-debteilness lel(ieil as collateral for state or other deposits or bills piiyable U. S. bonds and certificates ol Indebtedness ow ned and mipledued Liberty Loan Bonds 4, and per cent, unpledged Liberty Loan Ilonds, li4 4 and V4 per cent, plednod to secure Statu or other deposits or bills pay Liberty Loans were supported, in less ineople generally subscribe, he says, the burden of subscription will fall upon the banks and, in his opinion, this would be a misfortune.

Seven Iiillions Authorized. stn tomeiit issued by Sec v.u-i t. 1 1 sole-. blcsciown jCthey shovs last so They -j. that ic: and cut your rl make your Heating, Ventilat- ino- Scouting, Scien tifically constructed and Me FOR RENT FOR RENT House nt.

401 East Front street. Water in kitchen. Inquire nt 4i0 Front street. M15. FOR REXT Six room house, modern conveniences.

Inquire Mrs. L. J. Davis, Church and Lower Mulberry streets. M15- TOR REXT Seven-room house.

Inquire 15 Rnilroad street. M17 FOR REXT April 1st, house for small family, East Mahoning street. Inquire F. II. Cousart, 11 E.

Mahoning street. M15- retary Glass is as follows: 1 are water roo; too. weonn arc-made scientifically by The Goodyear Tire Rubber Akron, Ohio, who also make Winftfoot Hecir, rninranteed to outwear ail other heels. able Securities other than U. H.

bonds (not lncludltiK stocks) owned The Victory Liberty Loan campaign will open on Monday, April ji nun Collateral Trust and other tides of chanically perfect. liooi painting-Brown, Red and Black. Automobile radiators repaired. All work guaranteed. 170,000 00 131.000 00 41.750 14 90,00000 (i 71 oo oo 10 20 will close on Saturday, May 10.

Under the act of congress approved Septem lOMle Uiurk IcJu. U.d. t'at. OU. ber 2-1, 1017, and amendments rncreio, the secretary of the treasury still has the authority to issue nomis suiniai-to those of the second, third and the fourth Liberty Loans to the extent ol not over but any issue corporations isuen ior than One Year or nior than Three Years' time Stocks, other than Federal Ke-erve Hank Stock of Federal Reserve Hank per cent, of Subscription) Hankinc house, furniture A fixtures.

Heal Estate owned other than biuik- inir house I.awtul Heserve with Federal Ke- scrve ban Cash in vault and net amounts title from national banks Checks on other banks in same city or tow as reporting bank Outside checks and other cash it ei is Redemption l'nnd with I'. S. Treu siirel.and due from S. Tiea-in Intere-t earned but not collected War Saviiu-'s Certificates and Thrift Stamps actually Strong Purgatives Are Dangerous Drugs afford only temporary relief. of bonds under authority ot tins a is limited as to rate of interest to a miximum of 4U per cent, per annum 1 Jit; on Purgatives, especially siroug ones, and would be subject to supertaxes and WANTED WAXTED Old live pigeons, colored and while.

Will pay Trie pair for white. W. Frank Lewis, 110 West Center street. 111 WAXTED At Haney-Frazier Milling 'wheat, $2.20. Also oats and baled hay.

M11- WAXTED Cirls at Bloeh nnd Eena-baeh's rants Factory. M13 WAXTED Good milling rye nt Mausdale Mill. Bell phone. M15. hould he avoided.

POLA-V me cuoc-olate coated vegetable laxative, works do l.oio l.ocooo with Nature, and develops uoei na Frjendly I tt Friendly ndres Tc 5c lffiEK'WELL CIGAR-; MOTKERSDOL When the Children Cough, Rub Musterole on Throats and Chests No telling how soon the symptoms may develop into croup, or worse. And then's when you're glad you have a jar of Musterole at hand to give prompt, sure relief. It does not blister. As first aid and a certain remedy, Musterole is excellent. Thousands of mothers know it.

You should keep a jar in the house, ready for instant use. It is the remedy for adults, too. Relieves sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, chilblains, frosted feet and colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia. profit taxes, except for the rignr to participate in the exemption of principal amount with other outstanding issues of Liberty bonds and certificates. "The congress has now passeil the Victory Liberty Loan net, which was LIABILITIES tion in a natural, comfortamo niannui.

10c, 25c, 50c. At Drug Stores. G. S. Hunt, Danville, Ta.

I oo 00 Capital stock paid in Sin plus fund. nrotits ...74,312 14 approved March 3, 1019, under which LOST LOST or MISLAID On Saturday, a Tanl E. Wirt fountain pen. Finder please return to News olliee. Reward.

Mil Heal Shin Diseases Less current expenses, Interest and ta.ves paid 21 Interest and di-count collected or credited, in advance of maturity and not earned Circulating notes outstanding Net amounts due to Rational banks Certitied checks outstanding Cashier's checks outstaiutinii Individual deposits subject to check Oilier Time Heposits War loan deposit account Other U. S. deposits Including deposits of ti. S. disbursing ollieers Jlills payablu Willi Federal Keserve bant.

fit 03 I.jO.OiiO (KI l.HMl 4t', L'l!) SI 3.W15 01 I. tiTH 27 102,000 00 40 200,000 00 ooc ana ouc jars; v.w, the secretary of the treasury is authorized to issue notes of the United States to the extent of not over upon such terms and conditions and nt such rate or rates of interest as ho may prescribe. It is provided in this act that these notes shall be payable at such time or times not less than one year or more than live years from the date of issue as may be prescribed by tlie secretary. "After studying financial conditions in all parts of the country I have determined that: the interests of the United States "ill best be served at: this time CHEVROLET It is unnecessary for you to suffer with eczema, blotches, ring worm.rasnes and similar skin troubles. obtained at any dnvtr store for 3bc, or $1.00 for extra and promptly applied will instant relief from itching torture.

It cleanses and soothes the skin and heals qmcKly and effectively most skin diseases. Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, disappearing liquid and is soothing to the delicate skin. It is not greasy, is applied and costs little. Get 20 CO. Total JOHN H.

GOESER Distributor. i Liabilities lor rediscounts, inriuu-I ing those with Ftdeial Hc-erve bank (if the total loans and discounts above, the amount on hich Interest and di-count was charged at rates in exce-s of tuo-e permitted bylaw (Sec. 5W7 Kev. Slut.) was i The number of such loans was PAINS AND ACHES YIELD by the issuance of short term nines rather than of longer term bonds which it tc anu save mruiei uisl m. E.

V. Rose Cleveland, O. None None COLDS IIERFEHE WITH BUSINESS QUICKLY TO SLOAN'S LINIMENT The Car for Everybody AH 1919 Models now- on Display at the Cromis Garage, Washingtonvilie Output of factory limited-Come early so as not to be disappointed C. L. CROMIS gect for Montour Both Phones circulation is equalized, sympathetic a xM, tnrmcntpd bv Neuralcia.

would have to bear the limited rate interest of 4 per cent. "The Victory Liberty Loan will, therefore, take the form of notes of the United States, maturing in not over live years from the date of issue. These notes will be, as were the Liberty Loan bonds, the direct promise to pay of the United States, will be issued both in registered and coupon form and the Ti ti Trin-Vs New Discovery Dr. C. I ft RINTEED i State of I'enu-ylvania, county of Montour i' 1 W.

L. Mci'lnre, Cashier ol theahove nani-' 1 hank do Milemnlv swear that theahove statement is true to the he-t of my knowledge auu belief. i W. L. McCI.l'UK, Cashier 'Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th 1 Day of March.

1919 1'AL LINK V. KAKXSWO HTM Notary Public Correct Attest: I I I'oill FY I il. V. HLCIi I', Directors. I ,1.

H. Cl.KAYEU I 1 -ti tl i relieves them and keep you going on the job ti ti nerves all soothed, and soreness or lameness disappears. Sloan's Liniment is probably the counter-irritant most widely used to overcome painful inflammation cases of neuralgia, sore muscles, wrenched joints, strains, bruises, gout. Rubbinr fa not required. This clear, clean liquid is easily applied as it does not stain the skin.

Generous size bottles at your Lumbago, Sciatica or any of those aches that require a counter-irritant? Then let the soothing. warming application of Sloan's Liniment stop the pain by drawing the blood away from the congested part. It is the pressure on the nerves by the biood rushing to the inflamed muscle or joint that makes you ache, to when Sloan's Liniment relieves the cvo-len blood vessels by setting up a tor-irritant on the surface, the jour Player Piaui fuiiii and coupons OLIVER YOHN DaDViUe I coupon noles wiii Ik- iii ii'uu uuvtft nttncluMl the inlere ring the entire life of the notes. I hopeful that the notes in final en- cov( am druggists. ived form will be ready for delivery Is Your Blood opening of the campaign on Ap- liy l-il REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Danville National Bank AT DANVILLE In the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business, March 4, 1919.

CHARTER NUMBER 1078 Fifrv continuous years of almost unfailing checking and relieving coughs, colds and kindred sufferings is the proud achievement of Dr. King's New Discovery. Grandparents, fathers, mothers, the kiddies all have used and are using it as the safest, surest, most pleasant-to-take remedy they know of. Sold by all druggists. 60c and $1.20.

Keep Bowels On Schedule Late, retarded functioning throws the whole day's duties out of gear. Keep the system cleansed, the appetite lively, the stomach staunch with Dr. Kind's New Life Pills. Mild and You Need Yiaoi 'I ii in led to adopt the plan of short term notes rather than 9 4 Ions; term bonds largely heenuse of the that I believe that a short, term will maintain a price at about. fiict issue RESOURCES after the ciunpaijni is concluded more readily than would a larger ami discounts far 3S7.500 71 lMO 8 200,000 00 OverdtHfts unsecured it it.

in ni I'll In ion term issue. uis. boii'l-i and certificate ol' In Anaemic, run-down, nervous, devitalized conditions result from poor or thin blood. A glance at the formula of Vinol, printed cn the label, will show that it contains the very ingredients necessary to alee good blood. It soon creates a healthy appetite, improves digestion, and helps you to get full benefit from your daily food, and builds you up.

tonic in action. Sold everywhere, 25c. I have not yet reached a conclusion to the rate of interest and exemp 100,000 00 S8.100 00 its debtedness owned ana unpieuKeu Liberty Loan Bonds, 3', 4, and 4)4 ner cent unnledaed Bonds (other than I'. S. bonds) tions from taxation which these notes will bear because this decision must ooooooooooooooooooooooo cot hnsnl on existinir conditions imme diately prior to the opening of the cam.

Bradford. Pa. GLO Drewsvilie. N. H.

pa ten. take this opportunity to lepoat 'I have used Vinol for imnover- V. .1 Isljuul 1 moa limlfon fMit ixriVl what I have already stated tlnft it is a rash and run down bo it was hard intention of the treasury depart Pledged to secure v. s. deposits 50 Securities other than U.

S. Bonds (not including stocks) owned unpledged 1,036,13 SO Collateral Trust and other notes of corporations issued for not less than ONE YEAR nor more than THREE YEARS' 49.500 00 Total Bonds, securities, other than 0. 1,347,77000 Stocks, other than Federal Reserve Bank stock 108,126 00 Stock of Federal reserve Bauk (50 percent, ot Subscription) 3 SS Value of Banking house 20,000 00 Lawful reserve with Federal Re- serve Bank 85,345 05 Cash in vault and net amounts due from isatlonal banks 142,969 57 My daughter wa3 anaemic, had poor blood and suffered from indigestion and bilious attacks. As Vinol helped my son, I gave it to my daughter she soon improved in health, and it has built her up and re- ment to carry on the same kind of in for me to keep about my worK. Cl l-i ti-, o)i nirt.i.

iil Tino-nrirl hut. Vinol tensive campaign for distribution as enriched my blood and improved my I condition very rapidly. "-Rose Lasky. heretofore. It would he a most unfor eiorea ner neaiin.

ivirs.j.N.curneii. tunate occurrence if the people of the I'nited States failed to take these notes For all run-down, nerroaa, anaemic conditions, -weak women, overworked men, feeble old people and delicate children, there ia no remedy like Vinol. SPECIAL SKIRT SALE A qq thus placing the burden of subscriptions mi the banks. The business of Silk Poplin Skirts $5.50 Value. Gray, tCpdb.O.

Checks on otner oanits ni same tnj the country looks to the banking sys- or town as repornuB uuuo. Checks on banks outside of city or for credit wherewith to carry on tern Navy, Uopennagen, iaupe IOW HIIU ULUC ttii ii.iu. Redemption fund with U. S. Treas- i it 'I,r operation and jf this credit is ab 1,127 85 33715 10,000 00 3,500 00 87 40 its C.

Scott Eves, Palues and Druggists Everywhere sorbed to a large extent by the pur v.o. i Interest earned but not collected ar savings terniicas stamps acruaiiy ow ucu 91 Total LIABILITIES chase of government securities there will be many limitations placed upon the supply of credit for business purposes. "Our merchants and manufacturers need ample credit for setting the wheels of industry in motion for peace time production and distribution and 1 "On mn nn Capital stock paid in l.apnai siock pain Surplus 110,000 00 niil'nn iiiiiu Uniilvldeil profits 54,31938 0 Less turreiu eiusc-ii mic- nnrt tftxas naid 4.846 63! Opens Miss A. M. Hoffman will open her New Store opposite the Opera House on Saturday.

49,472 75 Interest and discount collected or ti mo tf wage earner is directly interesieu the credited, in advance oi mammy and not earned Amount reserved for all Interest seeing that those wheels are kept in Circulating notes outstanding 1,75000 9,105 00 200.000 00 3,376 73 2,426 96 674.116 67 1 (MOOD Keep in touch with the newest of corset styles. The woman who wants the assurance that she is wearing the latest seasonable style always has this knowledge when she purchases from us a Henderson corset. For women of large full figure we recommend style 934X. This is an elastic reducing corset that is made effective by the introduction of heavy elastic sections in the back. The bust is medium low with drawstrings, thoroughly well boned, has a graduated clasp which supports the abdomen.

Made of serviceable coutil which is of double thickness in front. This model reduces the figure to stylish proportions of the most graceful lines. A marvel-ously pleasing corset for stouts $3.50. moving at a normal rate in order mat ifull employment at good wages may (continue and where readjustment conditions have necessitated a slowing down of industry it is ritally import An Entire New Line of Spring Millinery will be shown. Net amount aue to uaua Certitied Checks outstanding Cashier's checks outstanding Individual deposits subject to check Loviueuus U1IWIU.

1,251,17195 other Time Total 91 Of the total loans and discounts shown above, the amount on whicb interest and discount was charged at lllIHHHIIIIIIIIttHW'mtll I I If I'M' rates in excess oi tnose imniimeu law (Sec. 5197 Rev. Stat.) was The number of such loans was None None A nnorl Film Means Good Pictures. Buy A Good Film Means Good Pictures. ant that activity be resumed and labor lie employed at the earliest possible moment.

"I therefore ask the American people once again to give their support to their government in order that this great loan may be made an overwhelming success by the widest possible distribution." FOR SAI.E. Desirable Brick House. Three Porrh- State or Pennsylvania, i County of Montour "a .1, tor if Atvove named Films Rank ilii soleiniilv wear that the state- menl Is true tur be-t of my knowledge and belief. M. YoUNtiM AN.

t'a-hier Snbscrllw.1 and sw orn to before me 12th 1 Hisses cor Children's little beauty underwaists, sizes 3 to 14, 35c and 65c. set waists, 2 styles, $1.00 and $1.25, sizes 19 to 29. at C. SCOTT VBJ Slate Roof Piped for Gas Large Barn and Fruit. PAI LISE F.

FAKN 'WORTH. Notary I'ubllr Correct Attest: irectr. T. J. PRK-F.

W. W. tt I- I.I.I VER l. R. tt KMaN A Fresh Supply Just Received Risnru Danville, WM.

II. 736 E. Market st..

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